The California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus)
A mebmer of the Cathartidae. Thi Condor only habitas the Baja California, The Grand Canyon on the western area coastal mountains of north California. Althoug some fossil mebers are found, it is the only member alive of the genus Gymnogyps.
A big bird almost 9ft on wing span when adult, black vuture wiht patches of white on yhe underside. A large bald head with color rangin form yellowish to a bright red depending of the condor's mood. it posses one of the heviest wihgspan in North-America. The condor is a scavanger and has one of the longest life span of any bird ranging to 50 years of age.
The numbver decrease dramatically due to the poaching, led poisoning, and habitat destruction. The gorverment try to preserve this bird wiht a plan of capturing the remaining wild condors in 1987. At that time there were only 22, San Diego Animal Park and the Los Angele Zoo, ketp them in captivity and their numbers rose, and in 1991 were reintorduced to the wild. The conservation proyect was one of the most expensive for animal control in the United States. As of today 332 condros are known to live including 156 that are in the wild.
The condor use to play an importan role for Native Americans due that they were symbolic to them. Overall this condor average from 117-135 centimeters (45-53ft), it has a wing span of 2.77meters (9.1ft), their weight range is form 7-14 kilograms (15-31lb), or 8-9 kilograms (18-20ft), on flight it its estimated that the caondors can flight arround 90Kmph(55mph) and a ceiling of 4,600meters (15,000ft).
The diet of this condors is mostly small to large mamalian such deer, goats, sheep, donkeys, horses, pigs, moutain lions, bears, and cattle. Aquatic animals such, salmon, whales, andsea lions. The condor can cover an ares of 250 kilometers (150 miles), a day in search of the animals previusly mentioned.
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